About the Project

European Anti-Poverty Network Lithuania together with the Civil Society Institute is implementing the project „”The Mobilization of Civil Society in Lithuania To Address the Problems of Poverty and Social Exclusion” according to the European Economic Network Financial Mechanism.

The aim of the project is to mobilize civil society in Lithuanian in order to address the issues of poverty and social exclusion by strengthening and expanding the organizations fighting against the poverty and social exclusion as well as promoting toleration towards the poor in society.

While implementing the project, training sessions for NGOs working in the fields of poverty and social exclusion reduction will be held in five Lithuanian regions (in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys). Training sessions will cover the topics of poverty, fundraising and publicity. With the help of experts, project participants will have a chance to apply newly acquired knowledge in their everyday activities. Communication skills will also be developed in order to help organizations publicly discuss poverty and social exclusion topics as well as represent their own work.

In order to achieve the goals of the project, Anti-Poverty Network Association will be strengthened and expanded. It will become an efficiently working platform which mobilizes civil society and NGOs in order to address the problems of poverty and social exclusion.

Start of the project: November 2013. Duration: 1 year.

Project is financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism’s NGOs programme in Lithuania fund.


  • Title: The Mobilization of Civil Society in Lithuania To Address the Problems of Poverty and Social Exclusion

  • Date: 2013 November - 2014 October

  • Category: Projects

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