The Subject of Research
The state’s welfare largely depends on the society’s trust and pride in their state. Feeling no close relation with the state, people lose the feeling of responsibility in regard to the state, the society and their nation. This gravely threatens the overall survival and progress of the nation as well as the vitality and development of the state. As a small state, Lithuania is greatly shaped by the resources lying deep in the society and the nation, that is, solidarity, patriotism, creativity, preservation of traditions and values, and intellectual capacities. These factors may have a significant impact on the social security and social maturity of the state that should be considered as the constituent ingredient of the structural power of the state.
So far neither the condition of both Lithuanian society and political nation, nor their relation with the state have been adequately addressed, although it is quite frequently emphasised in the academic and political levels that the civil society of Lithuania is not yet developed, that the government is distanced from the society and fails to justify the actual expectations of the nation, while the Lithuanian nation lacks such characteristics that would accelerate the development of the state’s welfare. In essence, the problem is far from new, however, there exists no comprehensive and consistent analysis, esp. by linking the evaluation of the current condition with the potential political and social measures that might produce positive results.
Research Mission
The mission of the research is to identify the key threats to the Lithuanian society and nation, and the potential changes in their intensity, and to provide the guidelines for the national social strategy mitigating these threats.
Another aim is to formulate the interests (needs) of the Lithuanian society and nation, and to provide the guidelines for the national social strategy in this regard.
Research Objectives
The research aims at:
1. identifying the current situation of the Lithuanian society and political nation, analysing the reasons underlying the existing social, civic and identity issues and threats.
2. providing potential prospects for the development of the Lithuanian society and political nation.
3. referring to the analysis results, proposing economic, political, social, legal and educational measures that could enhance Lithuanian society and reduce the existing social and cultural threats.
Research Tasks:
The following tasks will be completed during the research:
1. Formulation of the research techniques, methods of problem analysis and evaluation criteria.
2. Accomplishment of the selection and analysis of the social situation and data necessary for the evaluation of the threats.
3. Development of the scenarios of the social situation, as well as the changes and consequences of social and political threats.
4. Identification and verification of the potential alternative solutions and measures addressing the problems.
5. Formulation of recommended policies for the national programmes and for the operation of the state and public institutions. Formulation of the potential needs, too.
Conclusions and Recommendations for State Policy